Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (2024)

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Muhammad Rakeh Saleem on 15 May 2024 at 16:03

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Edited: DGM on 16 May 2024 at 8:19

Accepted Answer: DGM

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So, I'm working on a code where I have a folder with 33 images and they are of different orientation (mix of landscape and portrait sizes). I have the script that reads the images from the folder and overlay gaze data on top of these images. The script is running fine except a small bug that im facing is that for final plot of 33 images, some images that are actually portrait size (elongated top to bottom) are plotted with counter clock-wise rotation to show it as a landscape.

The two images below are for reference. where Img x025 is correct plotted with right data but Img x033 is incorrect and its rotated and therefore the gaze data is correct but due to rotation, its not overlaid correctly.

Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (2)

I want the x033 image to look like this below and there are about 12-14 images that are displayed or showed in this way with wrong orientation:

Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (3)

The code is as follows, which is part of a larger script:

imageDir = 'C:\Users\mqs6680\Downloads\saliency-master\images1';

% Load the data

filename = 'DD2.tsv';

opts = detectImportOptions(filename, 'FileType', 'text');

data = readtable(filename, opts);

% Get unique participants

participants = unique(data.('ParticipantName'));

% Initialize a structure for participants

participantData = struct();

% Get a list of all JPG files in the folder

imageFiles = dir(fullfile(imageDir, '*.jpg'));

participantNames = fieldnames(participantData);

% Prompt user to enter a participant name or choose from a list

disp('Available participants:');


selectedParticipant = input('Enter the name of the participant to plot (case-sensitive): ', 's');

% Check if the entered participant name is valid

if isfield(participantData, selectedParticipant)

% Get all images for the selected participant

imageNames = fieldnames(participantData.(selectedParticipant));

for j = 1:length(imageNames)

imageName = imageNames{j};

imageData = participantData.(selectedParticipant).(imageName);

% Ensure data exists for plotting

if ~isempty(imageData)

actualFixationX = imageData.ActualFixationX;

actualFixationY = imageData.ActualFixationY;

% Read the image from the file

imagePath = fullfile('C:\Users\mqs6680\Downloads\saliency-master\images', strcat(imageName, '.jpg')); % Assumes image extension is jpg

img = imread(imagePath);

% Check if the image needs to be rotated (portrait orientation)

if size(img, 1) > size(img, 2)

img = imrotate(img, -90); % Rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees

% Correctly swap and calculate new fixation points

tempX = actualFixationX; % Temporary variable for swapping

actualFixationX = actualFixationY; % New X is the old Y

actualFixationY = size(img, 1) - tempX + 1; % New Y is adjusted based on the new image height


% Create a scatter plot on top of the image

figure; % Create a new figure for each image

imshow(img, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit'); % Display the image and fit it to the window

hold on; % Hold on to overlay scatter plot on the image

scatter(actualFixationX, actualFixationY, 'filled', 'r'); % Red points

hold off; % Release the hold to allow further plots to be displayed separately

title(sprintf('Fixation Points on Image for Participant: %s, Image: %s', selectedParticipant, imageName));

xlabel('Actual Fixation X (pixels)');

ylabel('Actual Fixation Y (pixels)');




fprintf('No data available for participant: %s\n', selectedParticipant);


Also, I have tried following different debugging methods:

Method 1:

% Check if the image needs to be rotated (portrait orientation)

if size(img, 1) > size(img, 2)

img = imrotate(img, -90); % Rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees

% Swap X and Y fixation points for the rotated image

newFixationX = size(img, 1) - actualFixationY + 1; % Recalibrate to the new dimensions

newFixationY = actualFixationX;

actualFixationX = newFixationX;

actualFixationY = newFixationY;


Method 2:

% Check if the image needs to be rotated (portrait orientation)

if size(img, 1) > size(img, 2)

img = imrotate(img, -90); % Rotate the image clockwise by 90 degrees

% Swap X and Y fixation points for the rotated image

[actualFixationX, actualFixationY] = deal(actualFixationY, size(img, 2) - actualFixationX + 1);


I have cut portion of the code where it was handling the gaze data related stuff. Anyhelp will be appreciated. Thank you so much.

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Stephen23 on 15 May 2024 at 17:04

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Edited: Stephen23 on 15 May 2024 at 18:32

@Muhammad Rakeh Saleem: please upload Img x025 and Img x033.

My guess is that you will find the file tranpose/rotation flag is set for some of those images. But IMREAD imports the raw image data, which is unaffected by that flag.

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Accepted Answer

DGM on 15 May 2024 at 21:21

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Edited: DGM on 15 May 2024 at 21:24

Most JPG photos will have orientation metadata which will be completely ignored by imread(). You need to either manually rotate and flip each image according to the number in the metadata, or you need to use a tool that will do that job. In this post, I provide such a tool (see the attached imreadort.m

That should handle all of the typical 8 orientations used by modern cameras.


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Image Analyst on 15 May 2024 at 21:39

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@Muhammad Rakeh Saleem see his

it reads EXIF tags.

DGM on 15 May 2024 at 21:51

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MIMT does have the full version of imreadort(), but I did attach a simplified version on the forum.

Muhammad Rakeh Saleem on 15 May 2024 at 22:42

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Thanks @DGM, your answer was simple and quick. Works for me! Thanks

Muhammad Rakeh Saleem on 15 May 2024 at 23:05

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Edited: Muhammad Rakeh Saleem on 15 May 2024 at 23:11

@DGM I think I was too excited to see the image flip cause it was frustrating. I totally omit the data points, and now that I inspect the gaze data points it turns out that all the images whose orientation was rotated and was fixed. The fixation data points on these images are skewed/ not overlay properly. Reference image 1 shows the output of MATLAB and reference Image 2 shows the actual results on the eye trakcing software.

Before code:

Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (10)

After code:

Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (11)

What I am hoping to get eventually:

Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (12)

The interesting part is that the skewness in the data points is applied to the images only that were not oriented correctly, and although the above code solved the orientation fix, the data points are off so im wondering if there is something happening in the code @DGM. Thanks again and I appreciated your help and response.

DGM on 15 May 2024 at 23:52

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Edited: DGM on 16 May 2024 at 8:19

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  • pts.mat

That's odd. It looks like it should be oriented correctly, but it's like the points were mapped into a distorted space.

I don't really know how those points were captured, but I have a suspicion that the mapping process didn't take into account how the image had been rotated when denormalizing. For example, the above image would have been displayed in a "tall" aspect ratio (e.g. 4000x3000), but the gaze points were mapped into a coordinate space which was derived from non-rotated height and width info from the metadata (e.g. 3000x4000).

% these points are correctly oriented (arrow points down-right)

% but they were mapped into the wrong geometry (wide)

% so it's not aligned to the wagon box

load pts.mat

inpict = imread('wagon.jpg');

sz0 = size(inpict,1:2);

% show the image with the distorted points

imshow(inpict,'border','tight'); hold on


% remap the points to the correct geometry

AR = sz0(1)/sz0(2);

correctedpts = pts.*[1/AR AR];


Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (14)

Something like that is what I'm guessing went on. Hard to say for sure when the mapping error occurred without seeing the data. You might want to double-check and make sure that the error is actually baked into the coordinates and isn't just being introduced during plotting based on stale geometry information.

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More Answers (2)

Image Analyst on 15 May 2024 at 17:46

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  • Read_Tiff_Header.m

Many cameras have an "orientation" tag that says what orientation the camera was in when you took the photo. I believe it's either 1, 2, 3, or 4. So for example if you used your smartphone right side up or upside down, when it's displayed, if displayed by a program that reads the orientation flag, it will always show up rightside up. If it's a TIFF image you can read the orientation tag from the image file with imfinfo (See attached function) and rotate it as needed since evidently imread does not take the orientation into consideration.

% Read_Tiff_Header

% Reads in the header information from an .Tiff format Mayo Clinic data file

% and returns the information in a structure stHeader.


% Input:

%fullFileName - string, Full filename (including folder) of the Tiff file.

% Output:

%stHeader - Structure with these members, and example values shown below:

% FileModDate: '22-Oct-2007 15:57:24'

% FileSize: 17060

% Format: 'tif'

% FormatVersion: []

% Width: 1024

% Height: 841

% BitDepth: 8

% ColorType: 'grayscale'

% FormatSignature: [73 73 42 0]

% ByteOrder: 'little-endian'

% NewSubFileType: 0

% BitsPerSample: 8

% Compression: 'PackBits'

% PhotometricInterpretation: 'BlackIsZero'

% StripOffsets: [106x1 double]

% SamplesPerPixel: 1

% RowsPerStrip: 8

% StripByteCounts: [106x1 double]

% XResolution: 72

% YResolution: 72

% ResolutionUnit: 'Inch'

% Colormap: []

% PlanarConfiguration: 'Chunky'

% TileWidth: []

% TileLength: []

% TileOffsets: []

% TileByteCounts: []

% Orientation: 1

% FillOrder: 1

% GrayResponseUnit: 0.0100

% MaxSampleValue: 255

% MinSampleValue: 0

% Thresholding: 1


% stHeader includes everything in the Tiff header as returned by MATLAB via the imfinfo() function,

% shown above, and includes a few extra members (BytesPerVoxel and Depth).

%BytesPerVoxel - integer, typically 8 or 16

%Depth - integer, Z Dimension of the image


% Written by Mark Hayworth on 10/24/2007.


function stHeader = Read_Tiff_Header(fullFileName, varargin)

% Check range of variables.

%disp([num2str(nargin) ' arguments passed in, because nargin = ' num2str(nargin) '.']);

% Need to have either 1 or 2 arguments.

if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)

% Not 1 or 2 args.

error('Usage : stHeader = ReadTiffHeader(fullFileName, intDisplayHeaderInCommandWindow)');


% They passed in 1 or two args.

if (nargin == 1)

% If they didn't supply the intDisplayInCommandWindow argument, set it to zero.

intDisplayInCommandWindow = 0;


% Take what they passed in.

intDisplayInCommandWindow = varargin{1};



if (ischar(fullFileName) < 1)

error('Requires a string filename as an argument.');


% Use built-in MATLAB function to read the TIFF header.

stHeader = imfinfo(fullFileName);

%stHeader.BytesPerVoxel = stHeader.BitsPerSample / 8;

% stHeader.Depth = 1;

stHeader.x_size = stHeader.Width;

stHeader.y_size = stHeader.Height;

stHeader.z_size = 1;

% Display the values in the command window.

if (intDisplayInCommandWindow > 0)

message = sprintf('\nFull File Name = %s', fullFileName);





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Image Analyst on 15 May 2024 at 21:57

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You can try this MATLAB function in the File Exchange to read EXIF tags:

There are also IPTC tags on some images but I don't know if that tool reads IPTC tags. I think there might be some overlap in that a tag in one might also be in the other but have a slightly different name for it, like headline, title, description, subject, etc.

EXIF tags are usually having to do with hardware/camera settings (like if the flash was used, F/stop, focal length, shutter speed, etc.)

IPTC tags are generally information about the or scene (like photographers or journalists might like) like who took the photo, who's in it, a title for it, who wrote the description for it, what country it was taken in, etc.

Wikipedia references:

A program like ACDSee will show you both types of tags and let you change/edit them.


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Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (17)

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Images are rotated counter clockwise without any reason, (2024)
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