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- Publication:
- The Daily Sentinel-Tribunei
- Location:
- Bowling Green, Ohio
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ABG Audit ORTY ITH BOWLING GREEN OHIO RIDAY MARCH 20 1936 NUMBER 228 OHIO RIVER CITIES LOOD VICTIMS Rampaging Rivers Downward Wood County Red Cross an urgent tele Im onal president 1 OUmCV KeiUmS if Washington be requlr COLUMBUS March 20 will Sixteen dead in Ohio Valley in Rivers! BLOOMDALE March 19 News Harrisburg CINCINNATI March 20 (ins) Qhjo Supreme Court wnro paiurnt nPnPfltll Makes Railroad Ruling aminlng petitions filed by Council in Wood County last week amount nri fn 111 ed to $5101 I at the Banner Vinegar Co plant Italians Successful Large Public Debt Soars Higher Tuesday evening 'May 26 ping Sixteen thousand homeless refugees sheltered in auditoriums COLUMBUS O' March 20 Sales tax collections for the week ending March 14 were $1026802 bringing the total since Jan 1 to $8534514 State Treasurer Harry Day announced today Collections three mil chapter is resigned agent of Bowling to the list of known dead Sunny skies prevailed over most of the flooded areas rying up much the battle The shooting began when Carter unlocked the front door of the bank about 8:00 A killed when the bank official fought a gun battle with bandits he found in the bank as he opened it this morning The unidentified man was one of the robbers His companions fled No loot was obtained The interior of the bank showed that a large number of shots had like sardines in schools and church es An entire downtown block kt Williamsport was reported destroyed by fire Potomac dropping rapidly danger past Congress lays plans for long range level of 506 feet or six tenth above flood stage cision holding the New York min imum wagp law unconstitutional it was learned today Attorney General John Brick I pension administrator in charge of the old age pension office in the Court House Such an oversight often results in delayed deliveries of checks and in some cases deprives the pension ipr of rhnrkq fnr few mnnthc thftr I administrator said causing in and Dowell at Bowling Green and be forwarded to Washington The Wood County Chapter eludes all but Perrysburg Ross jerry Townships the receipt of additional aid from relatives In this case we may make an adjustment in the state grant Or the pensioner may lose some aid he has been receiving from other A sources In that case we can increase the state award any case any Wood County pensioner who moves either or out of the county should report promptly on the change of address to our local old age pension office giving both the old and new address SEEKS MISSING WIE CINCINNATI March 25 KINS) Raymond Boydston oMiami University Oxford sought the aid of police today in locating ive Thousand Dollars Collected on Sales Tax in Wood Co Last Week Cloudy in northwest portion tonight Saturday generally fair with slowly rising temperature wa? Why is he in the United States? What good word has he tor our country? Come and hear answers to these questions at the Presbyterian Church on next Sun day afternoon at 3:30 Mrs Erie Alexander and Miss Dorothy Bowlus at the Presbyterian Church will give a report of their attendance at the Kagawa meetings held in Columbus a few days ago UaAuoo BipqoXoj ua to Christianity more than 30 years ago is one of the foremost citizens of the world tndnv We arrived on I Baltimore eight grandchildren and three great grandchildren two brothers William and Edward of Trombley and Jerry City one sister Mrs Anna Garber widow of Dr James Garber of Detroit and one great aunt Mrs Alwilda Curtiss and one brother in law Jacob Som mers of near North Baltimore firemen were caugnt neneain a falling brick wall and injured here today while fighting a $40000 blaze at the Shott Manufacturing Co important depot for Abyssinian sup plies at Goba Goba were recorded in military communique ally Sentinel Setabllehed June II 1114 at Bowling Green Ohio tJned Exeludvety fa Wood Contj By the Sentlnel Trfbnne Marietta Crest of flood ap parently reached at 7:00 A with river stage of 474 feet high est since Ian Member of tbe INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE with consultations of their respec checks coming to them regularly tive general staffs and a new world every month The pensioners will 4 conference to which the United help by co operating with us states may oe invitea are proviaea pian Herbert Bigelow adherent of ather Coughlin announced to day that they contain sufficient Signatures to qualify him as a can didate for congressman at in the May 12 primary D11C lb buivivtu unugiii Mary and two sons loyd of Bowl Ien fired but it was not learned ing Green Henry Sommers of North whether there were any witnesses to ORMER EAGLEVILLE RESIDENT IS DEAD ALBERT WHITACRE( UNERAL SERVICES Committee Named for Rossford Class Services Sunday for Clarence DeLancy Telegraph Service is Going on As Usual loods Receding In Regions East Of Ohio Crest Sweeping!" WASHINGTON March 20 (INS) The government's public debt soared to $31447106057 as a result of the new $1250000000 spring financing the mld March statement disclosed today At the end of ebruary the public debt stood at $30519660 949 In March 1935 the gov eminent obligation was approxi mately $3000000000 less than the current figures BANKER BANDIT KILLED IN BATTLE Sentinel TribuneWill gain receive returns on the tour nament today for the fans who are unable to go to Columbus to see the game this iftemoon be tween Bowling Green and Bridgeport The game is sched uled to start at 4:00 o'clock Since tile game lasts an hour and tournament games are usu allyA blt behind schedule it is doubtful if the final score will be reported here before 5:30 The Sentinel Tribune will remain open until 6:00 tonight to furnish returns Phone 350 and 34 Relief unds Allocated to' Wood County UNERAL' SERVICES OR MRS SOMMERS a mouier jvns oannuivuv vv sided in Bloomdale for several years I I The funeral was held at Tiffin on Wednesday March 18 1936 at 2:00 with burial In ountain Ceme lery at ostoria States to Join in Court Appeal was received here of the death of Mrs Eliza Heltzweble which oc curred ather home 941 Lindsay in Toledo on Wednesday March 18 1936 after a1 illness Her second husband red Heitz weble died in 1924 She was a daugh ter of Mr and Mi's William Cook pioneer residents of Bloom Town ship and was about 90 years of age She resided in Eagleville for many years where she was united in mar riage to William Coup son of John and Esther Coup who resided on a farm west of Eagleville for many years Her first husband was a Civ!) War veteran He served in 1st Ohio Volunteer Heavy Artillery They moved from here to Defiance and then to Toledo 30 years ago She was a member of the M' Church and the Ladies Relief ana Benefit society at Defiance She is survived by one son Milo Coup of Toledo who is a Span ish American war veteran one brother Augustus Cook of Republic and two sisters Mrs Rachel Bonnar of Bettsville and Mrs Libbie Saltz baugh of remont The toperal will be held in the BoyerMortuary Collingwood Me morial in Toledo on Saturday March 21 1936 at 10:00 A with burial in Bloom Chapel Cemetery west of Eagleville i A i A a Ua a La a I WlllU LV XXVIllAJlX WIL UA1U UiUHb I Mr Wiseley is survived by his1 i wife one daughter Mrs Alice Ba ohi(J Rlver flood today' wllb mllel con and two granUdhildren Mis: upon mile of rich agricultural land1 'iseley re and the business districts The State of Ohio will join with proceeding at Wilkes Barre Wil New York in an appeal to the su liamsport hard hit with seven re preme court for a review of the de ported dead and refugees packed By International News Service Ohio valley flood situation at a uneral Service Held 1 tor Mrs Jane Vogieson CLEVELAND March 20 (INS) Standard Oil Co of Ohio to day reported a net profit of $2690647 1 I in the calendar year of 1935 year since 1930 The company had a net loss of $1913735 in 1934 I Considerable improvement also was reported by the Chesapeake (Ohio Railroad which listed a net)income of $3866621 for eb an: increase of $1709904 over the same month last year i KENNETH MORRIS QUITTING BANK WORK JERRY CITY March uneral services for Albert Whitacre will be held Sunday at 2:00 at the Church of Christ Burial at Jerry City Cemetery Albert Henry Whitacre born at North Baltimore the son of James Harvey and Mary Jane Whitacre on October 30 1873 passed away Thursday March 19 1936 at nine A at indlay Hospital He passed away after a brief illness of peri tonitis He was 62 years 4 months and 19 days at the time of his pass ing lftdo sUH a small boy hfe moved Where 'heZstnce' re sided Mr Whitacre was known land well liked Joy a host from far and near He was known for Ills musical abil ity He has been a life long mem ber of the Church of Christ being an earnest and faithful member throwing his whole life and soul into his work for his Master He was united in marriage to Irena Boltz of Jerry City on De cember 31 1893 He leaves to mourn his beloved wife and companion and the following children Emer son of La ollette Tennessee Owen of Jerry City Jack of Cadillac Mich Clark of Wayne Ohio Mary Scovill of Jerry City and Doris Har mon of Wayne Also nineteen grandchildren and ono great grand child three sisters: Mrs Harry Book of Bowling Green Mrs Hazel Simmons also of Bowling Green and Alta Aller of Cygnet and one brother Ray of Point Place One Standard Oil Profit I ffT 1 Al 1 HP I Best Since Year 1930 1 Al I A A OIT AA I A Vvll xlvilvU Ji Give $750 or Relief Of lood amilies ui ll iruui nir inx ci 1 i mo kJ mu vi 1 i streams and removing the threat of cne reported shot Virtual mar ital law nfonf Pliv frf0 of water Residents warned to boil all water ood supplies reaching city CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA 18 known dead Rivers falling Gover nor Earle plans new aerial swollen to 35 foot depth Hartford er planned to file a brief as a I CONNECTICUT of the asking for a review of our known dead in Connecticut the lower decision and valley with river reported defending the law on its merits flood stricken Pennsylvania alone avnH n(r intormtnsnr onios minimum wage law nowi under attack as an abrigement of contractual rights was written of most wholly from the New York model and the decision slioudl it agree to a review probably would apply to the Ohio statute as well PEMBERVILLE March 21 Set Date for Execution of i Hauptmann The remains of Clarence De Lan ey will arrive in Cygnet from Tole do Saturday morning and will be taken to the home of his father Bruce (DeLancy Services will be held at tne Cygnet ME Church at 2:30 Sunday afternoon Burial will I be made in Jerry City Cemetery Pav Xfr Will off! wy COLUMBUS March 20 )ciate State Relief Commission today) allocated $178157 to three counties) COLUMBUS March 20 They were: Coming to the rescue of flood Wood $8109 for March Wyandot 'stricken river counties the Works $944 for January $1482 for ebru Progress Administration today au ary and $1320 for March thorized the expenditure of $9400 $163302 fof March for immediate flood relief TRENTON 20 I Bruno Richard exe Western Union office in Chicago 'cution was set today for 8:00 has informed Jerry Barrltt manager on the night of March 31 it of the local telegraph office that learned Just before noon when service Is being continued as usual Principal Keeper Mark Kimber in the Eastern part of the United ling Issued invitations to news cor States despite flood conditions respondents and official witnesses" vernoon mg Miami River in west These cases cost the state at least ern Hamilton County also backed triple postage to deliver one check 1 up with indications state route 50 claims must be renew a main Cincinnati St Louis traffic cd at least every 12 months We artery will be covered by tomorrow' watch the expiration dates of the between Cleves and Elizabethtown) various cases under our Jurisdict Huntington The dreaded (ion and Just before each is due Ohio River flood descended upon expire we call on the pensioner and this city at 11 A today when make out a ned application for him the latest measurement showed a If his address hase been changed 4 loot without our knowledge we lose vaiu able time hunting tne persioner anq sometimes an award may have ex pired before we locate the man or I woman This would mean that the pensioner would miss his or her pension between the time the old award expired and a new one was We realize the dire need of all LONDON March 20 (INS) A guar pensioners and want to do every VkJOVI lUXvwil I A 4 vj Iwoo UobilllUL ed at $10000000 Mill district and all IXKiwsUnrr Teloivrl 1 1 1 1 xtnrlaw wiivvi 'Oul Lood ovLiiciiiy rcccvtinjA Mrs Elizabeth Louy CUSTAR March uneral ser ThP (Chapter has received i gram from the national Harv O' Cratrcnn zxf UfachtndlnU stating that 38000 families in eleven states are flood victims and that to relieve them before they may return to their homes not less than three million dollars will 3d The allotment of that lion dollars to the local j750 That amount should be raised at once and rushed to the national headquarters Relief work is going) jn but additional funds must be provided and' membersof the' Red' Jross and local chairmen should! act at once I Wnat has happened elsewhere) might possibly have happened in the' recent floods at Grand Rapids and Pemberville Those floods were bad out they were small compared to ihe ones which have taken lives and destroyed so much property else where The wire request tor $750 has been approved by president Alva Bachman secretary McDowell and Mrs Constien chairman of the world today He arrived on bf the Roll Call Money should be the Pacific coast at Christmas time I sent at once to Secretary Mc Betty Romp Mary Jane Reed Mary Lasonsky Margaret Pavlica and Kenneth Williams are members of the committee chosen to select commencement announcements for the senior class of Rossford High School This committee with Stan ley Schultz president of the class salesmen representing various invitation companies Thurs as a whole selected the 1936 an (was declared eligible for competi nouncement from samples chosen WASHINGTON March 20 'tion after successful hurdling schol by the committee 'President Roosevelt again todayiastlc barriers which had prevented The senior class of Rossford High postponed his two weeks vacation his participation in previous indoor numbers fifty two members and has cruise remain here and catch de meets this year as advisors Dorothy Coriell Milo velopments in the flood area partlc Owens will compete in the Butler Phflbin and McLaughlin ularly in the Ohio Valley where relays at Indlnanapolis tomorrow Commencement will be held on (rivers are expected to do further night in the 60 yard dash and broad camage 'jump Kenneth Morris has his position as liquidating the Commercial Bank of Green and other banks in this sec tion and has accepted position with the Republic Mutual Insurance Company of Columbus as special representative He will have super vision pf twenty five counties in Northwestern Ohio and will have his headquarters in Columbus He and his wife will move there about the first of April Mr Morris came to Bowling Green as liquidating agent three years ago last October and he has had charge of the banks at Tontogany Rudolph Portage and Haskins as well as the Commercial in this city He has made a fine impression on those who have come in contact with his work and witli him personally and best! BORAH STRIKES AT OLD GUARD GOP IN OHIO ADDRESS JAPANESE SPEAKER AT PEMBERVILLE ion of one Abyssinian airplane I beth Louy 74 who died Wednesday rounded at the Dabat landing field Short services were first held at the ast of Gondar and bombing of an VWvllO Leon uneral Home in Toledo LI Mrs Louy is survived by tnese CrfllglMlCjchiiciren Isabel Jusel of Toledo lorence Chanter of Cleveland and zvit TrxrTTa iLfai pVi on rtuci llfonrv Tuv of El Dorado Ark resident veciaes Uesse Owens star Negro sprinter of To Postpone Trip le Ohio State track team today mac Hanln rpd Allaihlp for comnftH The Daily Sentinel Tribune BUBSCRIPTIOW Two dollar a roar tn Bowline Graen and In territory outside Wood and adjoining counties ala dollara a year Entered aa aeoond class matter In the postoffee at Bowling Green Ohio immediate new rainfall Stern measures were taken to cope with ghoulish looters preying on the distress of flood sufferers Orders' to shoot on sight were given militiamen patrolling the flood fAtimc I oil svsavs wwasaJ a i msaasAvT rnn A bcClJUXXUX OlHVCj Ui V44G awa ii Q9 missing from their home since March 14 power on and 'off intermittently Bulkeley bridge on main Boston highway under water National guardsmen patrolling flood area Water still rising NEW ENGLAND Twenty three reported dead Riv ers rlsme in some sections receding in others Virtual martial law 'in Imanyp areas Many communitiesisolated i plants closed ire in Ohio Carpet Company at West Warren Mass 1 1 spreads to nearby dwellings Rlv ers dropping in Vermont and reces sion expected to extend to western NORTH BALTIMORE March 20 1 Massachusetts and northern Con uneral services were being held necticut WEST VIRGINIA Thic ffarnAan ar nniirnh at Christ for Mrs Rebecca A Sommers eluding Wheeling area Rivers drop Rev William Noble officiating Burial will be in Maplewood Ceme I tery Her death Tuesday afternoon land churches Wheeling Island nine at four at her home on North miles long still underwater Main bi enaea aa uiness oi twelve years or the past three weeks she had been bedfast She was 83 years old Rebecca A Meeker was born June 3 1852 to Mr and Mrs Jabez Meeker in Brown County Ohio near Bethel In 1874 she came from Brown to Wood County and was united in marriage to William Paul McCrory Secretary Earl Solether an nounced this momlg the rtport of the nominating committee of the Bowling Green Golf Club The election will be held next riday evening when the annual Spring Banquet and dance Is held at the American Legion Hall The following eight members will be on the ballot four to be elected for terms of two years Dr Boyle Cross English William James A Keil Earl Solether White head and Lehman The four retiring directors this year are President Stalter Walker Sklbbie and Ladd The three who have a year yetjantee of mutual military assistance thing in our power to keep their to serve on tne board are uiyae Urschel Carl Young and Ray oster Tlckents were placed' in circula tion for the dinner dance today and a large crowd Is expected' Port of the program will be the presentation of cups won last year The cups are on display at Klover's Jewelry Store and will remain on display there until the night of the dinner President Stan Stalter will preside and a short program of talks and business will precede the dance and will remain until the last of June His itinerary will include every section of our country and most of the large cities 1 His Kingdom of God movement in Japan has passed the million mark I In its membership He is the au thor of scores of books and pam 1 phlets which have been sold by the Itens of thousands In all parts oil the world I A cordial invitation is extended to young and old to met) and woipen and especially to farmer and'thelr wives' ReV Mr Ullom who has heard Dr Kagawa on different cUcaslons will preside and give a brief inter view of Jils amazing career and achievements Time be given for an open forum of asking and answering questions pertaining to the subjectsdiscussed VIRGINIA AND MARYLAND our known dead Rivers recel ing rapidly NEW YORK STATE Only one known dead dropping Binghamton one of hard est hit cities nearing normalcy with food supplies coming and water sup ply expected to be restored by night fall on the 28 day of May 1876 The WASHINGTON couple made their home on a farm near Mungen Ohio where Mr Mc Crorv was a grocer at the grange To this union were born three flood control program while pleas children: George Earl lived to be) for millions in relief appropriations two years old being born April pour in The house was asked to 15 1877 and died the 18th of Octob appropriate $50000000 to relieve er 1879 Another son Willie Paul ood stricken Pennsylvania alone died at birth August 8 1879 AiPresident Roosevelt delayed his daughter Mary Elizabeth was bom southern fishing trip awaiting lat August 3 1880 She survives' her est flood area reports meanwhile mother (authorizing every government agen Mr McCrory passed away to provide aid for flood sufferefs this lifo nn Tannnrv 10 1881 at 4 Mungen Mrs McCrory was united in mar i riage to Dr John Sommers on I the 27th March 1882 Dr and Mrs Sommers made their) home in North Baltimore where he ni i fnortinino a nlimknr years The couple was active in BLOOMINGDALE Ind March the Church of Christ of this com 20 JINS) Carter assistant inunity of the Bank of Blooming One son was bom to this union dale and an unidentified man were Harry on December 25 1888 survives and lives in Bowling Green Dr Sommers preceded the deceas ed in death eb 26 1911 Mrs Sommers died on March 17 1936 at the home of her daughter Mrs Ira Wirick of North Balti more She is survived by one daughter erous towns under water Thus far no loss of life reported from the flood Accustomed to the Ohio River go daughter Mrs Willis Danback ing on a rampage and with amPle (lorence) of Tiffin and her adopt warning of what was in store for cd daughter Lola at home thnrn tnwni couth nf Whnnlintr i a services wux ue nexa iiu Va made careful plans to hold the the residence riday at 2:00 damage to a minimum IPnv ninhnrrlMTVvaH nf rrnloHr nocL Wheeling' Death toil nowiOr of the Church here offici 2 16 according to Mayor Burial in Graham Cemetery Rosenbloom Property loss estimat PENSIONERS REPORT after reaching 554 foot record niliUOr ft I ROHrOO stage Relief agencies caring for IjHANhf 1 1f AIIKfX 6000 persons many more homeless vIlHIlUl Ul nUUlILUlJ wishes will follow him and wife to slx feet of water Crest of 65 feetiextra expense to state Columbus expected at midnight Along 15 mlle regulations of the Dlvis i The liquidation of the Rudolphi front in Pcmeroy Bend district 300 jon of id for the Aged of the State i bank is completed and those of the homeless and baggage room welfare Department irT charge of other towns are near completion so ept aw aj administration of Ohio's old age the affairs of these banks will be Huntington Thousandpeion all pensioners are ask placid in the hands of Irvin ry families abandon i taking any man of Portage finely qual morabfe piopcrlylo highdj gioundifcddresses to their home countyTpen 'A ifled by experience lias been in ederal engineers predict 57 foot sion office as soon as they mOveAT charge of th liquidation of the 7 feet above flood level as Mr Blake said they move banks at Malinta and Holgate and result of Thursdays rain River rls ifrom one county to another they has been assisting Mr Morris in hlsjing two tenths foot hourly I should make a report to the officefL work Cincinnati With river rLsing'm the county from which they move? 1 1 itwo tenths foot an hour crest of have been cases where rinUT I lOTEn flkl coeet anticipated Monday pensioners moved without notify tllln I Liu lull Ull Rains today not expected to in 1 ing us arid as a result their checks i crease flood danger Little Mlaml'went back to Columbus Sometimes? pfll HI I ID TIPlfCT 1 rver backed up at Plainville in it took weeks to find the new ad w'ULi uLuD I luMe! eftstern Hamilton County with dan dresses and the pensioner was de of town being flooded this af of his check during that time tprnnfill Miami Dlunw (n ii States may be invited are provided "in some cases a pensioner can for in the scheme deprive himself of an increase in drawn up in London by Britain award by falling to report an address' rance Italy and Belgium it was change When a pensioner moves disclosed officially today from one county to another and Tbe British rench and Belgian reports to us on the change we cabinets have approved the plan make a new investigation of the and Premier Benito Mussolini was case If the cost of living is higher NEW LOCARNO IS PROPOSED TODAY Bert Wiseley Belonged To Bloomdale Rifles BLOOMDALE March 19 News) was received here of the death of Bert Wiseley which occurred Silt urday night at his home in Tifiin: He had not been in good healtii' for the last two years pZ I He was son of Mr and Mrs) (Philander Wiseley pioneer residents jOf this vicinity He was born on a (farm several miles southeast ofj I Bloomdale Washington Town I ship Hancock County and was years opage He was a member of the Bloomdale Rifles Co 2nd oNG for a number of years He glance tor Mrs Jane VOgleson was employed in the oil fields for! The region from Marietta south 1 'ceuprni ww WAYNE March 20 Mrs Jane several yeats to Ironton bore the brunt ofiZ i vocteson 75 a i resident nere tor? more than 30 years died in her: of num lllome Wednesday of (after an illness of several months Her husband passed away about has boon I 15 years ago She is survived bvi in Ohio ller son clarence of Toledo her Mrs Willis Danback and Premier Benito Mussolini was expected io fouOw suit for Italy It in the county to which the recipient was to be outlined to the British of aid moved than it was in the House of Commons and the rench county in which he formerly and Belgian Chambers of Deputies lived an Increase in the monthly today check is in order Also if the condlt The plan expected to draw firmHOns are reversed a decrease in opposition from Beilin was outlined (award is possible Usually there is to the House of Commons by or reason for a pensioner moving eign Secretary Anthony Eden At which has a bearing on his award of the same time oreign Minister aid from the state His economic i Pierre Etienne landin of rance status mav be imnroved through (inn wman rpcniven a uiuAthi aiv oMpxvum arm and foot and the other was an order of the State Utilities Com and Premier raui van zeeiana cuTaX toe fai The company mission requiring the New York I Belgium were laying it before their cut about me race ine vuuipuy "push 1 respective chambers of deputies in manufacturers mattresses and bed central rrauroaa to place an Pu lp springs engines in front of occupied Pans and Brussels Another fireman suffered an eye cabooses as a safeguard for men Hnfurv while battllnz a $7000 fire riding in the latter uneral Services tor found where engines were I 1 1 1 41 uexxuy uuaamw tv uuvniu vices were Mela nere tnxs moriuixg ai ROME March 20 Destruc endangering the lives of occupants gt Louis Church for Mrs Ellza ion of one Abyssinian airplane YOUNGSTOWN Mltrch 20 An attack on the old guard (n the Republican party coupled with a plea for the party to advance a liberal candidate on a liberal plat form was left with Ohio Republi cans today by Sen William Borah of Idaho The firey 70 year old veteran senator launched his campaign for delegates to the Republican national convention in June with in address before a crowd of 2500 in Stambaugh Auditorium here last night Large delegatons were pres ent from throughout northwestern Ohio Today BOrah held a series of con femece with party leaders before entraining for Chicago where he is to deliver the second major address of his campaign tomorrow tic wiOUXlv Illo cXUUlvoo WJ UlvWivlj XviAj' vl viuv avaajl with a plea against re election I brother preceded him in death two of a candidate in some room al 3:00 weeks ago One son passed away A under conditions which in infancy He leaves a host of cttier not describe and there trade and relatives and friends barter for the man who is to lead the fight in the 1936 (fjl 1 DaaL want the ten million Repub DlStSl KOCKS llcans who went over to the Demo cratic column to return to the he declared is only one nave a liberal candidate TTTOTTTD tw vnZ 20 on a liberal I Tattered Borah struck back at rumors that INS) exp rrviP down he has entered a slate' of delegates L)r tzvinv nnd started in Ohio in order to control the Marrlabu ry dtv Cleveland convention with the as a flre lhc floodcd centrfll city jariiAn Jliot 1 non Vizi nJ arCd TCI L'lVl bJAUV 4 UC vs by any honorable means as the Re publican nominee for president I am going to take the nomination and I am going to usv all the honorable means that I know to secure Appeal to recipients of state old age pensions in Wood County to est since 1913 Twenty five city' report PrompUy any changes in blocks inundated water level rang as a means of prevent 1 ing fren few inches to six feet ln delay ln delivering monthly pen along ront street Water and pow 1 slon cccks from Columbus was er service uninterrupted No cas Jamss Blake I rvlll rl zl Im AW 4 aVsa aa names Parkersburg Va Lowlands under water Thousands of homes evacuated No casualties Pomeroy Business district desolate with every storeroom on' Main Street boarded up to hold out Bigelow Approved CINCINNATI CC1 March 23 (INS) board of elections after ex By International News Service With flood waters receding rapid ly in the vast agricultural indus trial region from New England' to the Ohio Valley eleven stricken states counted their known dead at' 141 today and the menace ot newarea shOws: fatalities removed by falling ppivmsiylvania streams turned trom rescue to re PrrrsBURGH45 known dead habilitahon work Water rationing expected as sup The death toll was expected to dwindle and one instance rise during the day however wtfc exhausted No food shortage many of the imssing there are at instances of power restora least 72 persons unaccounted for at receding' reconstriic Johnstown Pa alone being added work started gteel ldle rn PijA he zr IfMATTrA rtnAA Little looting 30 known dead U1 LUU XlwWvIvLX mvCvO t4z liimjll flooded areas drying up muefi" missingr" looters Toyohika Kagawa Kaga JO I Ua) 1 ft i tt ja COLUMBUS March 20 firomnn rpenivefl a broken The supreme court today upheld iremen Who qtruggiea urouu water waist deep to reach the scene of the blast said a carbide tank had exploded It was feared two other tanks might let go Two iremen Caught Under alling Wall Hdlnt? in the latter injury wnxxe uuvuuxg Dftft Uin ninnt The Utilities Commission had found where di placed in the rear there was a ten rtpnrv for AabnosM to buckle thus.
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